

The Kiwi Vol 56, No 4, July 2007

Next Meeting of the Society 74
Next Meeting of the Midland Regional Group 74
Next Meeting of the Northern Regional Group 75
Notes of the Meeting of the Society held May 26, 2007 75
Notes of Midland Group Meeting 31 March, 2007 77
Notes of Northern Group Meeting May 19, 2007 78
Annual Society Auction Notification 79
Media Releases: (Iconic Institutions, NZ's Natural Beauty) 81
Missed Opportunities: The Last of the Baillie Sales 82
Customised Advertising labels 83
Air Travel (N.Z.) Ltd. Flights of December 31st, 1934 85
The Great Poneke Mystery 86
Lever Brothers & Port Sunlight Soap (Part 1) 88

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