

The Kiwi Vol 57, No 4, July 2008

Next Meeting of the Society 67
Next Meeting of the Western Regional Group 67
Next Meeting of the Northern Regional Group 67
Meeting of the Scottish Group in 2009 67
The Residential Weekend 68
Notes of the Meeting of the Society held May 31, 2008 68
Notes of the Meeting of the Northern Group May 17, 2008 70
Notes of the Meeting of the Scottish Group May 31, 2008 71
Account of Display on 'New Zealand 1852 - 1872' given to the RPSL by Robert Odenweller on May 22, 2008 71
Annual Society Auction Notification 73
16 Sheet Competition Rules 74
Robin M. Startup, Roll of Distinguished Philatelists 76
New Fellows of the Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand 76
Media Releases: (Anzacs, Kingitanga Commemoration, Narnian Royalty) 76
Canpex Inc. Newsletter No. 2 79
Cautionary Tale 80
It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know 80
Congratulations to the Christchurch Philatelic Society 83

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