

The Kiwi Vol 65, No 5, September 2016

Next Meeting of the Society: Members Weekend 134
Next Meeting of the North of England Regional Group 135
Next Meeting of the Scottish Group 135
Next Meeting of the Midland Regional Group 135
Notes of London Meeting on 30 July 2016 136
Notes of the Scottish Group Meeting, 16 June 2016 139
Correspondence on Previous Articles 140
1935 King's Jubilee Covers 142
The Second Pictorials: Problems with the Fourpence Plate 4 (revisited) 144
The 'Z' in Bars Obliterator 148
The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and the Impact on Mail Services 151
Transatlantic Air Mail to New Zealand in 1939 155
1975 Pictorials - 14c on 10c Provisional 160
Request for help from members 162


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